Platforma ta completă de telemedicină în România

Nu va fi nevoie să pierdeți timpul în sălile de așteptare!  Conectează-te acum cu medici autorizați în România pentru consultația medicală, Centre medicale și laboratoare, farmacii și asistența medicală de pe telefon sau tabletă oricând, 24/7 sau cu programare.

Platforma ta completă de telemedicină în România

Nu va fi nevoie să pierdeți timpul în sălile de așteptare!  Conectează-te acum cu medici autorizați în România pentru consultația medicală, Centre medicale și laboratoare, farmacii și asistența medicală de pe telefon sau tabletă oricând, 24/7 sau cu programare.

Adulți și copii

Our doctors are specialised in a vanity of medical issues!

See all Specialities
Servicii medicale

Ai grijă de tine și de familia ta

Medicul Dvs personal vă poate ajuta cu orice, de la boli cronice, medicină de familie, nevoile de prescripție medicală și multe altele.

Simplu și ușor

Willow Care’s primary care doctors can help you with a broad range of health issues. Paying them is made easy.
Acceptă plăți cu diferite carduri bancare
Logic și ușor de utilizat

Online urgent care benefits

A virtual urgent care visit offers these substantial benefits:
View all benefits
Much shorter at-office wait times
Healthcare access from anywhere
Convenient medical care
Much shorter at-office wait times

Don't take our word for it.

Send emails to your contacts based on Tags, or the form they submitted, and send more personalized emails.
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
"The experience has been outstanding. We are able to promote our campaigns, reach the customers at a faster pace and expose them to various channels.. without wasting hours planning all of it."
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
"SaaSFlow has helped us manage and plan about 13 email marketing campaign now. I really like that all the report for the marketing campaign is filled with useful analytics report that we can use to improve future campaigns."
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
"Our newsletter and email marketing campaign are fully automated and can be scheduled for the next 2 months within hours. We are very happy that we can have a full control on the leads and verification on the leads."
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
"I have tried a variety of email services and SaaSFlow has been the easiest to set up. Have run 3 email marketing campaigns so far and I'm still getting used to all of its features, but  working with SaaSFlow has been great so far!"
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”

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sănătății de oriunde, în orice moment.
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