Who we are

About Us

In 2021, Willow Care was founded with a vision to sustainably innovate and develop healthcare in the region. Three words best describe Willow Care — simple, connected, human...

We believe in high quality care

Healthcare accessibility for all Romanians

Whether you live in a remote community or a busy urban hub, whether you are at home or traveling away, Willow Care ensures continuous and secure access to healthcare. No more travelling needed, and no more waiting rooms.

Specilities Supported
what, why & how


What is Willow Care?

Willow Care is a leading Telehealth and appointment management software. Our system provides services that cover the whole medical care life cycle, including digital consultations between patients and their doctors through chat, voice, and video calls.

Why Willow Care?

Willow Care’s ambition is to make healthcare easily accessible for every medical patient in Romania! This is done by facilitating effective and direct means of communication between doctors, patients, nurses, medical analysis centers, and more...

How to Reach Willow Care's Goals?

Willow Care is customized to fit local Romanian requirements and standards, with international exposure ambition. Hence, Willow Care's team utilizes modern industry development techniques to provide users with optimum digital value, highest security standards, and most usable digital solutions.


The Solution - Willow Care

Willow Care is a Telehealth system developed using the latest industry technologies and software engineering techniques Our product solution is enriched with a user-centric design, where we ensure easy and safe access to the app by people of all ages. Moreover, our system stands out when it comes to:

High Availability

Our experienced technical teams run scheduled and continuous behind-the-scene improvements on the system. This is to ensure continuous availability for our patients and Doctors without any failures and to ensure reaching the highest operational performance levels.


Willow Care is designed to ensure safe and easy access to the app by people of all ages. Our trusted Doctors are all officially certified in Romania, with valid medical licenses required by the Romanian state. Our processes are set to ensure user safety across the platform.


All conversations running at Willow Care are completely encrypted. This includes text messages and all types of media shared between Doctors and patients. Our technical teams use the latest industry technologies to enforce the highest levels of security and preserve user integrity in the app.

Data Analysis

Willow Care facilitates simple and secure access to predefined statistical insights. These insights are displayed in a user-friendly way, so all patients can easily keep track of their health conditions and keep track of their health activities in the app.

Willow Care as a Digital Medical Joint

Willow Care is expanding to connect all different medicine-related fields in a single place. This is where doctors, patients, nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory staff can communicate and exchange information efficiently and securely. Our goal is to make healthcare instantly available for everyone, at any time.