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Account Deletion Process
To initiate the account deletion process with Willow Technology S.R.L, please follow these steps. First, visit our contact page at https://www.willowcare.eu/contact. Once on the page, kindly insert your relevant information into the provided form. When submitting your request for deletion, please take into consideration our data retention and deletion policy. By using our End User Service and linking your financial account, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of your financial and personal data until you choose to unlink the account. Your data is regularly collected, used, and stored for platform management purposes, and while we do perform routine backups, you are solely responsible for any data transmitted or related to your platform activity. We will verify your account deletion request within 10-30 working days, after which, if confirmed, all your account data will be permanently deleted. Please note that by requesting account deletion, you waive any rights or requirements for non-electronic records, and we assume no liability for data loss or corruption. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us.
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